Manual Ucp2 Chiller Trane Cvhe

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  1. Trane Cvhf Chiller Manual
  2. Trane Cvhe 500 Chiller

This includes both 50 and 60. CVHE, CVHF and CVHG centrifugal chillers equipped with the. Tracer CH530 Chiller Controller system. You can Read Manual Ucp2 Chiller Trane Cvhe or Read Online Manual Ucp2. Easily download Manual Ucp2 Chiller Trane Cvhe to read on the plane or the.

27 CVHE-SVU01E-EN Unit Control Panel (UCP) Tracer CH530 Chiller Controller Revolutionary control of the chiller, chilled water system, and your entire building with unprecedented accuracy, reliability, efficiency, and support for maintenance using the chiller’s PC-based service tool. Chiller reliability is all about producing chilled water and keeping it flowing, even when facing conditions that ordinarily would shut down the chiller — conditions that often happen when you need cooling the most. Tracer CH530’s Main Processor, DynaView ™, is fast and keeps the chiller online whenever possible. Smart sensors collect three rounds of data per second, 55 times the data collection speed of its predecessor. Each device (a sensor) has its own microprocessor that simultaneously converts and accurately calibrates its own readings from analog to digital. Because all devices are communicating digitally with the DynaView ™ main processor, there is no need for the main processor to convert each analog signal one at a time.

This distributed logic allows the main processor to focus on responding to changing conditions — in the load, the machine, its ancillary equipment, or its power supply. Tracer CH530 constantly receives information about key data parameters, temperatures and current. Every five seconds then a multiple objective algorithm compares each parameter to its programmed limit. The chiller’s Adaptive Control ™ capabilities maintain overall system performance by keeping its peak efficiency. Whenever the controller senses a situation that might trigger a protective shutdown, it focuses on bringing the critical parameter back into control. When the parameter is no longer critical, the controller switches its objective back to controlling the chilled water temperature, or to another more critical parameter should it exist.

Variable water flow through the evaporator Chilled-water systems that vary water flow through chiller evaporators have caught the attention of engineers, contractors, building owners, and operators. Varying the water flow reduces the energy consumed by pumps, while requiring no extra energy for the chiller. This strategy can be a significant source of energy savings, depending on the application. With its faster and more intelligent response to changing conditions, Tracer CH530 reliably accommodates variable evaporator water flow and its effect on the chilled water temperature.

These improvements keep chilled water flowing at a temperature closer to its setpoint. User-defined language support DynaView ™ is capable of displaying English text or one of the two alternate languages that are stored in DynaView ™ at one time. Switching languages is simply accomplished from a settings menu.

Similarly, TechView ™ accommodates a primary and a secondary language from the same list of available languages.

Manual Ucp2 Chiller Trane Cvhe

Literature change Applicable to CVHE, CVHF, CVHG About this manual Operation and maintenance information for models CVHE, CVHF and CVHG are covered in this manual. This includes both 50 and 60 Hz. CVHE, CVHF and CVHG centrifugal chillers equipped with the Tracer CH530 Chiller Controller system. Please note that information pertains to all three chiller types unless differences exist in which case the sections are broken down by Chiller type as applicable and discussed separately. By carefully reviewing this information and following the instructions given, the owner or operator can successfully operate and maintain a CVHE, CVHF or CVHG unit. If mechanical problems do occur, however, contact a qualified service organization to ensure proper diagnosis and repair of the unit. Note: The CH530 controller was first applied to CVHE with Design Sequence “3K”, and to CVHF with Design Sequence “1W”.

Trane Cvhf Chiller Manual

Unit Nameplate The unit nameplate is located on the left side of the unit control panel. The following information is provided on the unit nameplate. Serial Number The unit serial number provides the specific chiller identity.

Always provide this serial number when calling for service or during parts identification. Service Model Number The service model represents the unit as built for service purposes. It identifies the selections of variable unit features required when ordering replacements parts or requesting service. Note: Unit-mountedstarters are identified by a separate number found on the starter. Product Coding Block The CVHE, CVHF and CVHG models are defined and built using the product definition and selection (PDS) system. This system describes the product offerings in terms of a product coding block which is made up of feature categories and feature codes. An example of a typical product code block is given on this page.

The coding block precisely identifies all characteristics of a unit. Identifies unit electrical requirements 5. Correct operating charges and type of refrigerant 6. Unit Test Pressures and Maximum Operating Pressures 7. Identifies unit Installation and Operation and Maintenance manuals 8. Drawing numbers for Unit Wiring Diagrams. Commonly Used Acronyms For convenience, a number of acronyms are used throughout this manual.

Cooling Cycle CVHE, CVHG, CVHF When in the cooling mode, liquid refrigerant is distributed along the length of the evaporator and sprayed through small holes in a distributor (i.e., running the entire length of the shell) to uniformly coat each evaporator tube. Here, the liquid refrigerant absorbs enough heat from the system water circulating through the evaporator tubes to vaporize. The gaseous refrigerant is then drawn through the eliminators (which remove droplets of liquid refrigerant from the gas) and firststage variable inlet guide vanes, and into the first stage impeller. Note: Inlet guide vanes are designed to modulate the flow of gaseous refrigerant to meet system capacity requirements; they also prerotate the gas, allowing it to enter the impeller at an optimal angle that maximizes efficiency at all load conditions. CVHE, CVHG Compressor Compressed gas from the first-stageimpeller flows through the fixed, second-stageinlet vanes and into the second-stageimpeller. Here, the refrigerant gas is again compressed, and then discharged through the third-stagevariable guide vanes and into the third stage impeller.

Once the gas is compressed a third time, it is discharged into the. Baffles within the condenser shell distribute the compressed refrigerant gas evenly across the condenser tube bundle. Cooling tower water circulated through the condenser tubes absorbs heat from the refrigerant, causing it to condense. The liquid refrigerant then passes through orifice plate ‘‘A’’ and into the economizer. The economizer reduces the energy requirements of the refrigerant cycle by eliminating the need to pass all gaseous refrigerant through three stages of compression. See Figure 3. Notice that some of the liquid refrigerant flashes to a gas because of the pressure drop created by the orifice plates, thus further cooling the liquid refrigerant.

Manual Ucp2 Chiller Trane Cvhe

This flash gas is then drawn directly from the first (Chamber A) and second (Chamber B) stages of the economizer into the third-and second-stageimpellers of the compressor, respectively. All remaining liquid refrigerant flows through another orifice plate ‘‘C’’ to the evaporator. CVHF Compressor. Compressed gas from the first-stageimpeller is discharged through the second-stagevariable guide vanes and into the second-stageimpeller. Here, the refrigerant gas is again compressed, and then discharged into the condenser. Baffles within the condenser shell distribute the compressed refrigerant gas evenly across the condenser tube bundle.

Trane Cvhe 500 Chiller

Cooling tower water, circulated through the condenser tubes, absorbs heat from the refrigerant, causing it to condense. The liquid refrigerant then flows out of the bottom of the condenser, passing through an orifice plate and into the economizer. The economizer reduces the energy requirements of the refrigerant cycle by eliminating the need to pass all gaseous refrigerant through both stages of compression. See Figure 6. Notice that some of the liquid refrigerant flashes to a gas because of the pressure drop created by the orifice plate, thus further cooling the liquid refrigerant. This flash gas is then drawn directly from the economizer into the second-stageimpellers of the compressor. All remaining liquid refrigerant flows out of the economizer, passes through another orifice plate and into the evaporator.