America In Crimson Red Beller Study Guide
This is a must read for any true Baptist that refuses to be led astray by those who have rewritten history. One of the most well researched books on the Baptists in America and their influence upon the documents that we as Americans all hold dear. Beller spent much time in the Library of Congress in gathering information - several years to write this gem of an expose' of our history as Baptist people. As a student of true history, I have thoroughly enjoyed it and have found his statements and most of his conclusions to be accurate and correct. Beller states that whoever is in power will rewrite history as proof of their doctrines, their philosophy, etc.
He is absolutely correct. Here is true history from an unshaded vantage point, because it comes from the position of truth.' Once delivered to the saints.' This book is a breath of fresh air in a day when people would like to change the history of our country.
Beller goes beyond even the declaration that our country is Christian.he goes to the heart of the matter; that Baptists had a major influence in the foundation of this nation. Beller points out the facts that We as Americans have lost touch with our heratige, and those of us who are Baptist have lost touch with our heratige.
Neither of which is a good thing! He remedies the problem by giving the facts, and in a way that it is a joy to read. Beller has several other books which are worth the time spent reading them. He also gives lectures on the Coming Destruction of the Baptist People, which are also excellent! 'America is a Baptist nation' From this quote on I was spellbound. This is unlike any other history book I have ever read.
The facts are presented, but in a way to inspire, encourage, and enflame the child of God to run the race seeing 'we are surrounded with so great a cloud of witnesses.' I had no clue that our nation was founded so firmly on Baptist principles. I knew our founding fathers were moral, but had no idea such a large majority were Baptist.
America In Crimson Red: The Baptist History Of America [James R. It cleared up many questions and inconsistencies found in popular & less.
This book has deepend my appreciation for the Baptist and the doctrinal (Biblical) stance they have taken through the couse of history. I pray The Lord will once again bless our nation with more Shubal Sterns', Daniel Marshall's, John Clarkes, Isaac Backus', Obadiah Holmes', and others. Men who stand on the truth of Scripture - who live by it and die by it! This is most definitely an absolute-must read for every Christian. If you haven't read it - READ IT!
If you have read it - RE-READ IT!
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America In Crimson Red Beller Study Guide
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