Fluid Mechanics Lab Manual By Mdu

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Fluid Mechanics Lab Manual By Mdu

When you handl e chemicals wear eye protectio n (chemical splash gog gles or full face shield). When you work with furnace s for heat treatment procedure s or other thermally activated equipment you should use special gloves to protect your hands. Students should w ear durable clothi ng that covers the arms, legs, tors o and feet. (Note: sandals, shorts, tank tops etc. Have no place in the lab.

Students inappropria tely dressed for lab, at the instructors discretion, be denied access) 4. To protect clothing from chemical damage or other dirt, wear a lab apron or lab coat. Long hair should be tied back to keep it from coming into contact with lab chemicals or flames. In case of i njury (cut, b urn, fire etc.) notify the in structor immed iately. In case of a fire or imminently dangero us situation, notify every one who may be affected immediately; be sure the lab instructor is also notified. If chemicals spla sh into someon e's eyes act qui ckly and get the m into the ey e wash station, do not wait for the instructor. In case of a serio us cut, stop blood flow using di rect pressure usin g a clean tow el, notify the lab instructor immediately.

Eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited in the laboratory at all times. Never work in the laboratory without proper supervision by an instructor. Never carry out unauthorized experiments. Come to the laboratory prepared. If you are unsure about what to do, please ask the instructor. Always remember that HOT metal or ceramic pieces look exactly the same as COLD pieces are careful what you touch.

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Mechanics Lab... ME-215-F Materials Science. Automation, types of NC systems, MCU and other components, NC manual part. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering – D.S.

Fluid Mechanics Lab Manual By Mdus

Know the location and operation of.