Solar System Guided And Study Guide
This Discussion & Study Guide (“guide”) is designed to help you and others learn about these. Theory that the Sun is the center of our solar system. The name of this new theory that eventually replaced the prior one is (circle one): atomic theory / golden ratio / heliocentrism. Ideas about the solar system guided and study answers key - we believe that the study of social studies helps students understand their roots,.
TERRESTRIAL) Solid, dense, and usually small. Close together.
All have atmospheres Mercury-V ery thin atmosphere. Fastest orbit.
Solar System Guided And Study Guide Quizlet
A littl e larger than moon. Extreme temp. V enus-“Earth’ s twin” dense a tmosphere (CO2). High surface temp. (460 C) Hottest planet in solar system. Spins Clockwise.
Earth-water vapor, CO2, oxygen.etc. Mars-Red because of Iron, thin atmosphere, ev idence of water. (C02, O2) Polar ice caps/Seasons. Has two small moons: Phobos and Deimos Jupiter-Largest, composition more like Sun, more liquid than solid/gas. 1000 times earth, liquid hydrogen, (H2, He, Methane, Ammonia) 63 moons.
Radiates 2X energy than receives, strong magnetic field (Shields Planets). —(JOVIAN) Large, Consist of hydrogen and helium, all have rings Sa tu rn —S eco nd la r ges t, ab le to fl oa t in wa te r, 31 mo ons (s ome hav e ow n at mo sp he re ) METHANE atmosphere, no oxygen for fire. Uranus—tilt is 98 degrees to the perpendicular, 27 moons, 4 times larger than earth, METHANE atmosphere. Radiates more than absorbed. Neptune—13 moons, less dense than earth (Hydrogen and Helium) Pluto—Not a planet b/c: abstract orbit, sometimes in Kuiper belt (Like comet), TOO icy/rocky, no atmosphere.
TERRESTRIAL) Solid, dense, and usually small. Close together. All have atmospheres Mercury-V ery thin atmosphere. Fastest orbit. A littl e larger than moon.
Extreme temp. V enus-“Earth’ s twin” dense a tmosphere (CO2). High surface temp. (460 C) Hottest planet in solar system. Spins Clockwise. Earth-water vapor, CO2, oxygen.etc. Mars-Red because of Iron, thin atmosphere, ev idence of water.
(C02, O2) Polar ice caps/Seasons. Has two small moons: Phobos and Deimos Jupiter-Largest, composition more like Sun, more liquid than solid/gas. 1000 times earth, liquid hydrogen, (H2, He, Methane, Ammonia) 63 moons. Radiates 2X energy than receives, strong magnetic field (Shields Planets). —(JOVIAN) Large, Consist of hydrogen and helium, all have rings Sa tu rn —S eco nd la r ges t, ab le to fl oa t in wa te r, 31 mo ons (s ome hav e ow n at mo sp he re ) METHANE atmosphere, no oxygen for fire. Uranus—tilt is 98 degrees to the perpendicular, 27 moons, 4 times larger than earth, METHANE atmosphere.
Radiates more than absorbed. Neptune—13 moons, less dense than earth (Hydrogen and Helium) Pluto—Not a planet b/c: abstract orbit, sometimes in Kuiper belt (Like comet), TOO icy/rocky, no atmosphere.