Jacob Hiller Jump Manual
The Jump Manual was originally created by world renowned vertical jump trainer Jacob Hiller way back in 2008. When I first got my hands on a copy of the program in 2012 it was in the form of a bland downloadable PDF.
Jump to Who Is Jacob Hiller? - jacob-hiller Jacob Hiller. Jacob Hiller is the creator of The Jump Manual – he's a world renowned trainer who worked with. Jump to Is Jacob Hiller's All-Time Best Selling Jump Program Still Relevant. - Mr Jacob Hiller's vast jump training experience.
This program was the standalone vertical jump training program of the time. The content included was gold. This was my introduction to jump training and where my obsession with dunking began. I followed the plan and improved my jump by around 10 inches that summer. The Jump Manual had me in the gym lifting heavy weights so I also packed on a heap of muscle.
Looking back I realized that if I would have put more focus on nutrition and staying lean (which is now covered in great detail) my vertical jump improvements would have likely been much higher. The Jump Manual definitely holds a special place in my heart. Over the years my jump training evolved. Over the past decade I have used other jump programs such as body-weight only options like,strength protocols like 5 x 5 strong lifts and everything in between. Nothing got results like the initial 'noob gains' I got from my 12 weeks on The Jump Manual back in the day. Holistic Approach To Jump Training (resistance training + plyometrics provide higher max vert threshold then body-weight training alone).
Long Term Proven Protocol. Based On Science Based Evidence. Ongoing One-On-One Coaching Available.
Weight Training & Plyometric Components included. Premium Bonus Gift Set. Progress Trackers. Options For More Complex Progressions In The Future To Reduce Plateaus & Ensure Ongoing Jump Gains. Covers Critical Elements Of Nutrition For Max Gains (body composition + recovery).
Guaranteed Results Or Money Back. What Will I Learn In This Jump Manual Review? In this Jump Manual review I will show exactly what you will receive when you purchase the program (plus bonus gift roundup). I will also take you for a look through the post purchase member area so you can see the full contents of the The Jump Manual program for yourself.
I will show you what sort of vertical jump results are possible if you adhere to The Jump Manual protocol for 12 weeks. Simply put, my goal is to make this the most thorough Jump Manual review online. I have covered everything you need to know, so that if you are deciding to purchase the Jump Manual you can do so with confidence. What Does It Look Like Inside The Jump Manual Program? Once you you will gain direct access to the interactive e-book.
Yep, you can get started today! This in depth guide contains 12 chapters of absolutely everything you will need to know in order to increase your vertical jump (Well, of course you still have to do the hard work!). Below you will see a few screen shots I took which display the overall layout of the program. Although the program design is not as slick and high tech as it is very easy to navigate, follow and understand, as you will see below. I would like to see Jacob Hiller give this program design a bit of a freshen up so that the look can match the the quality of the content he provides. The workouts are fittingly named the 'max explosion workouts' which are programmed in 2 -week cycles that train specific components of the vertical jump.
The program is designed to be c omplete d in 12 weeks, however the cyclic nature of the program allows you to continue to develop your jump for as long as you like (we definitely recommend to take a week off before repeating another 12 week cycle to assist recovery of nervous system). Jump Manual Workout 1: This workout focuses on explosiveness.
Exercises in these workouts include plyometric and other jumping movements. Resistance is also added to really get those muscle fibers firing. Many other popular programs focus more on explosive based bodyweight exercises, whereas The Jump Manual heavily emphasizes resistance based exercises in combination with. Jump Manual Workout 2: This workout is named the core series.
Yep, you guessed it! This component focuses on a range of exercises that are designed to strengthen the core. Jacob explains why core training is often an overlooked component in many popular jump programs. He explains how this links the upper and lower limbs to maximize jump bio-mechanics while also improving stability and reducing injury risk.
Jump Manual Workout
Jump Manual Workout 3: This workout sees the participant lifting some serious weights. Be prepared to perform squats, deadlifts and other strength exercises that will get you stronger than ever before. Of course lifting comes with a great risk of injury.
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Jacob does a nice job of explaining every exercise to ensure you do them effectively and safely. These weight exercises will not only improve your vertical jump but will also dramatically help other strength based aspects of your sport (for example boxing out and rebounding in basketball). Jump Manual Workout 4: These are your “off day” recovery exercises. On these days you will work on while also performing some light jumps to keep the tendons firing.
Important: If you are thinking about undertaking The Jump Manual during your sporting season be prepared to deal with from the heavy lifting. You know that pain when you cant sit down after a heavy leg day due to extreme muscle pain. This can really affect performance in some cases so it is definitely something to consider. If you believe this may be an issue for you it may be a wiser choice to select a quality jump program that doesn’t focus on so much heavy lifting yet still guarantees results. In this case as it tends to produce less overall DOMS. However, it is important to note that the potential for maximum vert gains is much higher when a weight training component is included. Unfortunately, The Jump Manual feels a little outdated and lacks the engaging features which we have come to expect in the new era of jump programs.
In this day and age we want content that bright and shiny. Sometimes the Jump Manual feels a little dull when compared to other leading jump programs. However, the quality of the content included makes up for it's shortcomings in design. Hopefully The Jump Manual will undergo another update sometime in the near future. The Jump Manual does a great job of thoroughly explaining every element of the jump enhancement process including:.
strength. explosiveness. nerve recruitment. fuel, stability. form. flexibility. body composition.
genetic aspects. plus much more. This section outlines what Jacob Hiller considers essential to developing explosiveness. There are 9 variables which he states must be followed in order to achieve ones vertical jump potential. I have listed all of these 9 areas further along in this post for you to check out. Jacob Hiller does a fantastic job of justifying the incorporated in the program for the most part.
However, at one stage he states that muscle fiber type can’t be changed. Science has now proven Jacob's statement to be wrong. Please take a read of this if you would like to learn more about how specific training can change muscle fiber type.
The aforementioned research article states that 'possible variables that may increase type II fibers and decrease type I fibers. Include high velocity isokinetic contractions; ballistic movements such as bench press throws and sprints”1. So what does this mean if you decide to follow the Jump Manual? Basically The Jump Manual will provide you with the stimulus required to increase fast twitch fibers. Sure it won't happen overnight but overtime you will slowly and surely at a sub-cellular level. In this section Jacob Hiller delves deeper into the justification of his exercises prescription protocols.
Unfortunately, although what he is saying is spot on most of the time he fails to cite many credible sources. Jacob is a very knowledgeable and qualified trainer. It seems as though he has relied on his own knowledge and expertise rather than feel the need to justify every reference every comment made. For example, he states that all lifts should be undertaken at 85% of your one rep max.
This information is perfectly fine and will help you on your journey to a higher vertical. However when undertaking our jump Manual review we would have like to see some evidence to back up claims such as this. Jacob Hiller obviously studies the literature and simply couldn’t be bothered to cite references on topics like this. Has indeed shown that training at 80-85% of one rep max is optimal for max strength development 2 However, it is also very important to consider that that novice trainers adapt much more quickly and will only need to train at around 60% of one rep max to see optimal strength gains3.
Jacob does indeed address this interesting scientific fact in a roundabout way by suggesting that inexperienced lifters should undertake lower load higher rep training. If you are a beginner or intermediate athlete you will most likely derive great benefits from training at 85% of max load. Experienced lifters may eventually plateau out on the program. But hey, this is a nice problem to have as by this stage you will likely have a 35+ inch vertical jump. Jacob Hiller recommends that you follow the program for 12 weeks straight.After this time you can start again or contact Jacob Hiller to personality modify your program to progress you to an elite jumper.
He follows his spiel on strength training up with some. He then gets into a very brief section on complex training.
His attention to detail in these areas is a major reason why we think it is still the best jump program on the market, even though it's presentation is a little outdated. I was very impressed by content of the exercise demos however the quality of production could be better. These videos can be viewed on a smartphone, tablet or desktop. Mr Hiller's personality shines through on these videos. He does a fantastic job explaining how to undertake the exercises in an effective and safe way while also inspiring and motivating you to get the most out of your sessions. If you are one of our valued readers you would know that we have reviewed over 30 jump programs. To my surprise the Jump Manual introduced me to a range of exercises that I had never encountered.
These got me super pumped up to try and have now become some of my favorite go to jump exercises. The Jump Manual develops 9 specific elements of the vertical leap including:. strength. explosiveness.
nerve recruitment. fuel. stability.
form. flexibility. body composition. genetic aspects. As you can see the Jump Manual covers every aspect of vertical jump enhancement process.
Unlike other programs this one delves into important topics such as pre and post session nutrition, the scientific reasoning behind the protocols and how to obtain the correct mindset to ensure you achieve your set goals. The Lean-Power-Protocol includes details on exactly what to eat and when to eat in order to optimize your vertical jump.
Jacob Hiller has included some specific dietary protocols to help your muscles grow 20% faster. The nutritional Lean Power Protocol component of the The Jump Manual is a vital addition that covers important topics that many jump programs neglect. These powerful techniques will help you optimize your hormones allowing you to maximize lean mass and recover from your intense training sessions. Don't neglect the diet side of things when on a jump program or you will burn out. Trust me, it happens all the time to novice athletes. There are also some great tips that teach you how to torch the fat while gaining jump specific muscle mass and strength. Remember, the leaner you get the higher you will be able to jump assuming all other jump training variables stay the same.
This cool addition includes revolutionary techniques that you can apply to help you start increasing your vertical jump today. It includes simple yet often overlooked tips such as how to approach your jump correctly to instantly add 2 inches plus. 2 inches is quite a considerable increase in vertical jump height considering the 45 minutes of invested time.
This manual also describes how to develop the correct motor patterning and tendon activation prior to contacting the ground so you can maximise power and explosion through ground contact. These supposedly exclusive techniques are nothing new to our team. These techniques are simply a rehash of the physiological principles of the stretch shortening cycle. However, the language and professional presentation makes it a treat to read, follow and apply. During our Jump Manual review we were introduced to the concept of how development of incorrect muscle memory can be detrimental to your vertical jump.
I found these concepts to be quite innovative. Once again Mr Hiller has shown us why he has been the world's leading vertical jump trainer over the past 12+ years. In this section you will also find some great tips on how to maximize the electrical impulses that travel from the brain to the jumping muscles. To be more specific the impulses that travel through the central nervous system, into the peripheral nervous system which then finally innervate the motor neurons which control the “”.
How Does The Jump Manual Compare To Other Popular Programs? Currently the battle of the best jump programs comes down to 2 major players, The Jump Manual VS. Of course their are other quality jump programs out there ( ),however few are as comprehensive as these two. Readers frequently ask us for our opinion on choosing The Jump Manual vs Vert Shock. After purchasing and delving into both programs I am confident to say that either program will allow you to jump higher if followed correctly.
( UPDATE: Now that Vert Shock offers an add-on weight training component at a massively discounted price for a limited time only) So if you are considering buying a vertical jump program you really must ask yourself one question 'Jump Manual Vs Vert Shock, which one is best for me?' Let me do my best to help answer that question for you. The Jump Manual Vs Vert Shock Both offer fantastic support and however Vert Shock has a much more elegant and intuitive design. Both are interesting and inspiring, however beginners may find the content in The Jump Manual a little overwhelming. Beginners may also find the weight training involved in The Jump Manual a little too much.
For beginners I would recommend. The Jump Manual offers of a combination of plyometric and strength training exercises which will ultimately lead to greater gains. Vert Shock now offers an add-on strength training component that we believe is very comparable to that of The Jump Manual. Although this full package is usually much more expensive than The Jump Manual the entire package is currently discounted heavily ( learn exactly where to get a massive discount on Vert Shock ). The fact that Vert Shock offers a body weight only 'shock training' component and an additional strength training option separately allows participants more control and customization over their program.
This is a great option for beginner athletes and those who want to train at home. This can be particularly valuable for athletes who would like to specifically increase their vertical jump in the pre or post season. We also think Vert Shock is great fit for basketball players. The Jump Manual is a sustainable program that will see you increasing your vertical for years to come due to the focus on progressive overload. Lifting weights maximizes the window of jump enhancement opportunity in the future (turns that hard earned strength into explosiveness). If you only have 8 weeks to commit, want fast results and don't have access to gym equipment/don't want to deal with constant muscle soreness then choose VertShock base program (predominantly bodyweight exercises).
You can always based on your unique needs and goals. I give The Jump Manual a thumbs up and recommend it to our readers who want to improve their vertical jump. This program continues to innovate and lead the way in vertical jump information and resources. Continual Added Value I was continually impressed throughout The Jump Manual review process by the fact Jacob Hiller has continued to add more and more value to the program over the past 10 years rather than be satisfied with his previous best selling versions. Unfortunately the presentation needs an urgent update. Excellent Guarantee The current edition of The Jump Manual contains everything we expect to see in an all encompassing vertical jump program. The fact that Mr Hillier is now offering a 60 day money back guarantee so people can try it out for themselves in a low risk manner is a great incentive for novice jumpers to give it a go.
A Holistic No B.S Approach To Jump Training Not only does the Jump Manual provide an abundance of proven exercise and nutrition protocols but also premium customer service and direct access to a world class professional trainer. There are other programs that come very close in all of our review criteria to the Jump Manual but ultimately this program still trumps most competition. Mr Hillier’s experience shines through on all of the included resources, whether written or video based. His NO BS approach is a breath of fresh air in a marketplace that is often over-hyped by under qualified trainers. Mr Hillier tells it like it is.
He will tell you that the journey is not going to be easy. To get results you have to put in the work. He does however make the process reasonably simple to follow with this pro training package. Throughout our Jump Manual Review I was continually impressed by the vast scope and laser focused detail included the program.
Develops Every Aspect Of The Vertical Jump The Jump Manual leaves no stone unturned and thoroughly explains elements such as: strength, explosiveness, nerve recruitment, fuel, stability, form, flexibility, body composition, and genetic aspects. Every aspect that will affect your vertical jump has been covered in succinct detail. I also found the sport specific tips very helpful. I am sure you will too. Mr Jacob Hiller is a proven vertical jump professional who not only talks the talk but also walks the walk. His experience shines through in the Jump Manual.
The fact that Mr Hiller offers a full 60 day warranty and promises that you will gain 10 inches on your vertical demonstrates that he has supreme confidence in his program. I love it when authors stand behind their product and wish it would happen more often among vertical jump program developers. Overall I am confident to recommend the Jump Manual to our valued readers. Thousands of people around the world have had amazing success with the Jump Manual, perhaps you could be next.
Thank you for taking the time to read our Jump Manual Review. We hope you found it helpful. Good luck on achieving a higher vertical jump. Put in the effort and you will get amazing results. References. Wilson, Jacob M., Jeremy P.
Loenneke, Edward Jo, Gabriel J. Wilson, Michael C. Zourdos, and Jeong-Su Kim.
“The Effects of Endurance, Strength, and Power Training on Muscle Fiber Type Shifting.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 26.6 (2012): 1724-729. Peterson, Mark D., Matthew R.
Rhea, and Brent A. “Applications of the Dose-Response for Muscular Strength Development: A Review of Meta-Analytic Efficacy and Reliability for Designing Training Prescription.” The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 19.4 (2005): 950. Peterson, Mark D., Matthew R.
Rhea, and Brent A. “Maximizing Strength Development in Athletes: A Meta-Analysis to Determine the Dose-Response Relationship.” The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 18.2 (2004): 377. Behm, David G., Anthony J. Blazevich, Anthony D. Kay, and Malachy Mchugh.
“Acute Effects of Muscle Stretching on Physical Performance, Range of Motion, and Injury Incidence in Healthy Active Individuals: A Systematic Review.” Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 41.1 (2016): 1-11. Does the Jump Manual really work?
Hell yes it does! We have tested it ourselves, put people through the program and have encountered many others who have shared their positive experience with the Jump Manual. Will the Jump Manual work for you? Well that depends if you will put in the effort required in every session as set out in the program. If you think you've got what it takes to see the program out then we are extremely confident that it will get you the results you desire.
And remember, if you don't gain at least 10 inches in 12 weeks you can get your money back (but we honestly don't think you will need too). Does the Jump Manual make you faster? It sure can, but you will have to incorporate some sprints into your program to reap the rewards. Remember that the training principle of specificity is very important in increasing certain aspects of sport performance. For example if you want to jump higher you must jump more. If you want to run faster you must run more (at maximal intensity). The good thing is that there is a certain level of crossover between the training of the vertical jump and that of sprinting. The Jump Manual does a fantastic job of recruiting type 2 (fast-twitch) muscle fibres.
Jacob Hiller Jump Manual
These are the muscle fibres that make you both jump higher and run faster. Many people have reported speed improvements while on the Jump Manual program. At the end of the program you will likely to have improved in many other aspects of your fitness beyond vertical jump height and speed. So yes, the Jump Manual can make you faster plus much more. How long does the Jump Manual take to complete? Well it takes exactly 3 months/12 weeks/84 days depending on which way you prefer to face the challenge ahead. We like to tick the days of on the calendar counting down from day 84.
Jacob Hiller Jump Manual Login
The best thing about the Jump Manual is that once you reach the end you can start all over again to gain even more height on your vertical. (Remember to give yourself a week off for recovery of the nervous system in between cycles!). Don't forget to which has proven to add inches immediately. Our program supplements the Jump Manual nicely. The team here at Verticaljumpworld.com definitely think it is. So do thousands of satisfied customers from around the world. Ask yourself the question 'would I pay $97 dollars to be able to one day throw down a massive dunk and make the crowd say HOOOO!?'
If you answered yes then the Jump Manual is definitely worth it. Not only will you be able to jump higher but you will also be stronger and faster than ever before. This increased athleticism has opened many doors for Jump Manual participants who have invested wisely in their physical development. Where can I get the Jump Manual Free PDF download you ask. Well sorry but we can't help you there. We get so many people asking us what we think of using a free Jump Manual download crack that we unfortunately had to include it in our FAQ list. If you are looking to download the Jump Manual for free you will only end up disappointed. You see times have changed and these days developers of e-books are much smarter than in the past.
Piracy of these sorts of programs is much more difficult due to the nature of much of the most valuable content included which is only accessible through protected links. (The Bonus products in the Jump Manual for example provide valuable information and resources that will help you achieve your jumping goals) Yes. You may be able to find a free download of the much older version of the Jump Manual online, but who wants that severely outdated information. At the end of the day The Jump Manual only costs $67 which is very reasonable considering the quality of the content included. Plus, in the worst case scenario, if you don't get results they will give you your money back.
If you are a real cheapskate you could buy it and send it back anyway even if it works. Bet you won't want to though after you see the results that you get. Trust us we've heard it all before. If you don't have the money to buy a vertical jump program, don't look for dodgy ways to get a poor quality version of The Jump Manual for free. Instead spend time browsing our blog to learn the fundamentals of jumping higher. Over time you can experiment with your own protocols based on a mish-mash of info from around the web.
Sure downloading a program is more effective and efficient but sometimes the hard road can also be fruitful.